The Unborn Gita

The Unborn Gita Cover

by Pradeep Apte


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The Second Quarter

The Unborn Gita: 48

424. Where is the question of birth or death for the ever present, remaining Unborn principle, devoid of concepts or any knowing?

425. Although I appear to be the born apparent, I abide in the Unborn state where there is no mind.

426. I abide as the Unborn, not conditioned by any name or form and hence am as expansive and subtle as space.

427. I am Unborn and appear to thoroughly understand what I am when nothing is. When nothing is, I still am.

428. I am Unborn and appear to be the total functioning every moment, millions of years ago or now, being the ultimate I can never be lost.

429. The ultimate Unborn principle that appears to know this beingness, cannot be named, approached or conditioned by any words.

430. Being Unborn I have no identity, I am not the body, whatever I appear to say is unreal, because it was never actually said.

431. I appear to have subsided in my true Unborn Self, nothing is useful, no talk is useful, nothing matters, because nothing is.

432. I know well that this knowingness will not remain and I appear to abide in the Unborn no-knowing state.

The Unborn Gita: 49

433. I don’t revel in experiences as they pertain to shape and design, as the Unborn I am formless.

434. Being Unborn I am like space and not the body thus the body is no longer the body because there’s nobody to evaluate the body as body.

435. The body appears to have dissolved, and the Unborn remains, the apparent sounds and shapes are unreal and meaningless.

436. For the born apparent there appears to be nothing else than the sense of presence as a whole, or the purest ‘I am’ to meditate on. On doing so earnestly he would soon appear to realise ‘I am Unborn’.

437. I constantly abide in the statement of Truth ‘I am Unborn’ and hence there is no room for the intellect to play about.

438. Why should the ‘I am’ be there at all? It has never happened, in the process of trying to understand itself it disappears and the Unborn prevails.

439. The Unborn appears to be enjoying the birth-principle. That principle that appears to be born took so much time to understand this, and it is the Unborn only that prevails.

440. I am Unborn and all my knowledge appears to have gone into liquidation. I am unconcerned.

441. As the Unborn I am essentially nothing identifiable in all that is perceived and there are no words to convey what I am.

The Unborn Gita: 50

442. There is no sense of presence in the Unborn, the individual as such has never come into being and thus all that appears to be is unreal.

443. The knowledge ‘I am’ or consciousness appears to have come out of the Unborn, a state where there is nothing and I am happy.

444. If there is no consciousness there is no world, there is nothing, it appears to be so important, yet I am Unborn and apart from it.

445. I appeared to remain in the shade of the knowledge ‘I am’, the guru, the god and soon appeared to have realised ‘I am Unborn’.

446. I am Unborn, there’s no knowingness in me so where is the question of knowledge or ignorance? The ‘non-I-am-ness’ only can meet that nothingness.

447. I am not the body nor I am wrapped up in name and form, I am Unborn that appears to manifest as the born apparent.

448. At the Unborn level, in reality, nothing is. At worldly or born apparent level, everything is.

449. In the statement of Truth ‘I am Unborn’, the Unborn has no form, no name, so how can it be understood?

450. In the process of trying to understand the Unborn, the born apparent appears to get purified, the process subsides, the born apparent disappears and the Unborn prevails.

The Unborn Gita: 51

451. The ‘I am’ is the source of all troubles, the ‘I am’ being absent in the Unborn, where is the question of misery, pain or pleasure?

452. I appear to reject everything that I observe, and finally settle down as the Unborn, where no more observation is.

453. The born apparent caught in fear appears to die, but I the Unborn wouldn’t. Everything will appear to go, but I the Unborn wouldn’t.

454. My state is: I am without parents, I am Unborn and so is everything else that only appears to be.

455. To remove ignorance, the so-called knowledge is necessary, this knowledge then goes, both knowledge and ignorance appear to be thrown overboard. What remains is the Unborn.

456. The Unborn Gita appears to expound the Unborn Self only, always coming straight to the point and giving pointers to the Unborn. Nothing else is talked of here.

457. Whatever said here in The Unborn Gita is from the firm conviction ‘I am Unborn’, I am not the body and I don’t know anything.

458. Only when the born apparent appears to be totally convinced that ‘I am Unborn’, there is nothing further that anyone can tell him and nothing further to be understood.

459. Where is even the question of conviction? It’s quite simple, the body that appears to have come would appear to go after sometime, as the Unborn I ever prevail so how am I concerned?

The Unborn Gita: 52

460. When the born apparent appears to realise ‘I am Unborn’ all that is being said here in The Unborn Gita will be reduced to illusion.

461. The born apparent must appear to continuously remember the statement of Truth ‘I am Unborn’, in the process it doesn’t matter whether the body remains or drops off.

462. The Unborn remains untouched by the meaning of the words that appear to flow through it as the born apparent. Words trying to describe the original, primordial state invariably fail.

463. Many listen to the statement of Truth ‘I am Unborn’ but the real meaning underlying the words is not accepted. Only the rare one appears to apperceive what is said without the words.

464. The born apparent appears to stick to words and the meaning, forgetting that as the Unborn he is prior to not only the words but also the first basic thought.

465. I am always in the highest Unborn state, in which there is no experience. I am not going to die; there is no death for me.

466. The knowingness or the ‘I am’ has to realise itself, in the process of realisation it’s able to quit this state and appear to abide as the Unborn.

467. ‘I am Unborn and hence not the body’, hold on to this very firmly, and then whatever happens, it’s not yours.

468. As the born apparent I appear to accept only one statement from The Unborn Guru: ‘I am Unborn’, assimilate it completely with full faith and now indeed I am Unborn.

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The Nisargadatta Sadhana

Just be a Good Sadhak

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